Movie Plot :
In this sequel to Psycho-Pass TV show, Inspector Tsunemori is sent to a neighboring war-torn nation, where the Sibyl System is being introduced as an experiment, to find Shinya Kogami, her former enforcer who went rogue three years ago.
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Gekijouban Psycho-Pass (2015) is writed by Makoto Fukami, this movie has been release on 9 January 2015 (Japan) with default language is Japanese. Movie Gekijouban Psycho-Pass (2015) is good movie which have duration 113 min that worthed to watching with your family and friends
Movie Detail
Genre Animation, Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
Country Japan
Language Japanese
Release Date 9 January 2015 (Japan)
Movie Duration 113 min
Writers Makoto Fukami
Stars Kana Hanazawa,Noriko Hidaka,Unsh Ishizuka
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